Maheshwari Public school Jawahar Nagar

Maheshwari Public school Jawahar Nagar

The school features itself as a learning laboratory, adopting new strategies & plans to be a step ahead in contemporary school education. Our aim is not only to facilitate grasping of knowledge but also to develop modern outlook, scientific temper well integrated, multidimensional personality & a sense of discipline amongst our students. Our dedicated staff works endlessly for excellence.

The school has completed 32 years of service to the nation yet we keep trying harder to scale further heights. 

Governed by the Education Committee of the Maheshwari Samaj (society), Jaipur

Sector-4, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur Phone: 0141- 2651854, 2653552, Fax:0141-2650127.

E-Mail: [email protected]


Maheshwari Public School

Vijay Path ,Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan ( South ) – 302004

94147 75623, 0141-2620541,2624400